Knox County grand jury indictments

Sat, 10/21/2023 - 5:00pm

    罗克兰-诺克斯县大陪审团在10月6日结束的一次会议上对38人发出了起诉书. 13. 指控包括谋杀未遂、故意伤害罪和贩毒.

    An indictment does not indicate guilt.

    Christopher B. Barnes, 37, of Rockland, unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs (cocaine), refusing to submit to arrest, 以及违反释放条件的罪名都将于6月6日在诺克斯县宣判, 2023.

    Travis S. Batty, 39, of Rockland, domestic violence assault, violation of condition of release, and aggravated assault all in Thomaston July 30, 2023.

    Travis M. Bubar, 55岁,来自北黑文,9月9日在Vinalhaven加重刑事恶作剧. 18, 2023.

    Christopher L. 布朗,48岁,猫头鹰头,家庭暴力袭击猫头鹰头,2023年7月5日.

    Steven E. Clarke, 59, of Rockland, aggravated criminal trespass, domestic violence assault, and criminal mischief all in Rockland Aug. 31, 2023.

    Christopher S. Cushman, 47, of Cushing, aggravated assault, domestic violence assault, and violation of condition or release, all in Cushing July 4, 2023.

    Jeremy R. Dennison, 37, of Rockland, unlawful sexual contact, unlawful sexual touching, assault, and violation of condition of release, all in Rockland Sept. 11, 2023.

    Michael A. 达菲,39岁,卡姆登人,8月在卡姆登家暴. 24, 2023; violation of condition of release in Camden Oct. 1, 2023.

    Hollis H. Duswald, 45, of Rockland, 严重贩运附表药物(芬太尼和可卡因), two counts, 以及6月12日在诺克斯县的吸毒犯罪, 2023.

    Michael G. 费利,45岁,来自联合大学,于2023年4月15日在华盛顿被指控家庭暴力袭击和刑事恶作剧.

    Lorraine C. Fowles, 61, of Owls Head, criminal operating under the influence, operating after revocation, 1月,他离开了猫头鹰头一场涉及人身伤害的事故现场. 7, 2023.


    Gary L. Gilbert, 55, of Rockland, aggravated assault, and domestic violence assault in Rockland July 12, 2023.

    Alicia J. Gray, 39, of Owls Head, unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, two counts, 违反了4月11日在罗克兰的释放条件, 2023.

    Raymond Peter Grover, 37, of Thomaston, aggravated assault, assault on an officer, two counts, and refusing to submit to arrest in Thomaston Sept. 3, 2023.


    Codi J. Hynd, 30, of Waldoboro, attempted murder, aggravated assault, 和家庭暴力犯罪威胁,6月10日在沃伦, 2023.

    Jessica J. Jackson, 32, of Boothbay Harbor, 在罗克兰,未经授权的盗窃和违反释放条件. 20, 2022.

    Alexander Kaufmann, 40, of Union, aggravated assault to a child, criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon (knife), assault on an officer, domestic violence assault, and terrorizing all in South Thomaston Jan. 9, 2023.

    Jordan Kennedy, 20, of Washing, theft by unauthorized taking (of more than $1,000 in merchandise from Walmart) in Thomaston Dec. 17, 2022.

    Michael S. McGuire, 54, of Waldoboro, aggravated criminal operating under the influence, 以及5月29日在沃伦被撤销惯犯后的严重行为, 2023.

    Bruce T. Miller, 54, of Vinalhaven, 鲁莽使用枪支并在住宅附近开枪, both on Vinalhaven Aug. 27, 2023.

    Harold E. Morton, 42, of Damariscotta, criminal trespass, two counts, possession of heroin in Warren April 26, 2023.

    Emmanuel C. Nwoye, 25, of Rockport, negotiating a worthless instrument, theft by unauthorized taking, and forgery of more than $10,000 all in Rockland Dec. 17, 2022.

    Caleb D. 奥布莱恩,33岁,库欣人,家庭暴力袭击,两项罪名,于2023年4月1日在罗克兰.

    Jeremy C. Peterson, 34, of Rockland, 家庭暴力、犯罪威胁和非法侵入均发生在南托马斯顿, 2023.

    Stephen Parece, 37, of Appleton, 7月28日在阿普尔顿发生家庭暴力袭击和刑事恶作剧, 2023.

    Monica Blanch Anthony-Pinto, 34, of Vinalhaven, 非法贩运附表药物(芬太尼及可卡因), two counts, 6月3日在诺克斯县违反了释放条件, 2023.

    Matthew Plummer, 40, of Westport Island, assault on an officer in Rockland May 8, 2023; aggravated assault in Rockland May 12, 2023.

    托德·普雷斯顿(Todd Preston), 36岁,罗克兰人,1月11日在罗克兰非法盗窃. 4, 2023. 所谓的财产是从Steel-Pro那里偷来的,价值超过1万美元.

    Joseph G. 罗德里格斯,29岁,来自马萨诸塞州的哈弗希尔,8月8日没有到罗克兰的监狱报到. 1, 2023.

    dey肖恩·桑切斯,29岁,沃伦缅因州州立监狱,在沃伦袭击一名警官. 19, 2023.

    Jacquelin J. Smollett, 40, of Cushing, operating after revocation, two counts, and violation of condition of release, two counts.

    Tristan A. Swanson, 41, of Rockland, 醉酒经营和超出许可条件或限制经营的严重犯罪. 14, 2023.

    Brittany M. Taylor, 41, of Rockland, theft by unauthorized taking, two counts, and criminal trespass in Rockland and Thomaston Jan. 19, 2023.

    Tony Tibbetts, 58, of Vinalhaven, arson, 5月5日在维纳尔黑文发生的严重刑事恶作剧和拒绝接受逮捕, 2023.

    Zachary H. Woodbury, 42, of Waldoboro, 非法贩运管制药物(芬太尼)并违反释放条件. 19, 2023.

    Lawrence A. Wotton-Thayer, 36, of Warren, theft by unauthorized taking (of more than $1,000) and forgery on Vinalhaven July 27, 2021; tampering with a victim and violation of condition of release on Vinalhaven Dec. 1, 2022.

    Reach Sarah Shepherd at