Who we are

The Penobscot Bay Pilot connects a wide range of communities into a larger and lively online regional network, 强调即时和免费获取社区新闻, opinions, public discourse and perspectives, as well as business and citizen participation. The Penobscot Bay Pilot provides answers, information and resources, 建立一个市民积极参与的中心.



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Lynda Clancy, a founding director of Penobscot Bay Pilot, has been reporting in Maine since 1984, when she first started covering Bucksport, its mill and union strikes.

The beauty and complexity of New England and the Maritimes — their culture and controversies — have inspired her as a writer, editor and photographer. She has yet to tire of chronicling the lives of hard-working and unique individuals, all of whom shape the times here.

1982年,她在萨拉劳伦斯学院获得学士学位. 琳达在缅因州知情权咨询委员会任职, a past president of the Maine Press Association, 他是非营利组织Legacy Rockport的董事会成员, which works to target community investment in assets that enhance the quality of life in Rockport.

She can be reached at lyndaclancy@3dtrend.net.



Janis Bunting, a Penobscot Bay Pilot founding director, 有超过30年的销售经验,推动独特的业务, products and services through an array of original online products designed for Penbaypilot.com以及印刷为十大网赌网址的两年一次的中部海岸波浪杂志. 精通网络广告的机会和好处, she puts a lot of effort to stay on the cutting edge of this constantly changing field.

In 1993, Janis left Boston for a one-year residency program at the Maine Photographic Workshop, 现在被称为罗克波特的缅因州媒体工作室和学院. 她计划在完成项目后回到波士顿, but, 当时她正开着租来的U-Haul车沿着1号公路向南行驶,车上装满了她所有的东西, 卡姆登及其美丽的景色开始萦绕在她心头. She decided to turn around and make Camden her home.

Nearly 29 years later, Janis and her husband, Steve, 在霍普完成了被动式太阳能住宅,并抚养了两个女儿, Quinn and Kierra there. 

She is enjoying the benefits of this wonderful coastal town and boating on its beautiful nearby lakes. Janis also continues to stretch her artistic vision with dried flower wall installations when time allows.

She can be reached at 207 706-6656 or janisbunting@3dtrend.net.




Kay Stephens, 她是缅因州的一名自由撰稿人,自从Penobscot Bay Pilot公司成立以来就一直在这里工作. With a B.A. in magazine journalism from the E.W. 俄亥俄大学斯克里普斯新闻学院硕士.A. 在爱默生学院写作和出版期间,她曾报道过当地艺术 & entertainment since 1999.

She has written for TheScene, Dispatch Magazine, Bangor Metro and Maine Boats, Homes and Harbors. 她还是缅因州两家杂志的总编辑: Maine Brew Guide and Activities Guide of Maine.

She is the author of The Ghost Trap, a Maine lobstering novel, which has recently been optioned to become a film, and co-author of Cyberslammed, an award-winning nonfiction cyberbullying guide.




Sarah Thompson is a writer for the Penobscot Bay Pilot. 她在奥古斯塔长大,就读于缅因大学新闻学院.

For 10 years, she worked as an operating room technician for labor and delivery in Portland and Fort Collins, Colorado.








Sarah Shepherd is the police and court reporter for Knox County. 2005年,她从华盛顿搬到了卡姆登.C., for 21 years. Sarah’s professional experiences were in fundraising, community relations, 在几个全国性非营利组织的特殊活动和志愿者管理. Her positions included creative writing projects so being a community reporter and writer is an exciting opportunity to share the experiences and stories of some interesting and special people.

After experiencing the fallout from 9/11, especially when she lived near the Pentagon, 萨拉准备回到一个小社区十大网赌网址. She fell in love with coastal Maine after visiting friends during her summer vacations.

Sarah is active in the local community including serving as a deacon at the First Congregational Church, member and former board member of the Camden Rotary Club and various special event committees, such as Winterfest.

The fall months will find her cheering away for the Penn State Nittany Lions (her Pennsylvania football roots) and now the Patriots. 

萨拉和她的两只被宠坏的巴吉特猎犬和三只猫住在罗克波特. 她的梦想是通过她的巴吉特猎犬的眼睛写一本儿童读物.





George Harvey is a native Floridian but, like many before him, has fallen in love with Maine — cold weather and all. Well, maybe not so much the cold part, he says. 

As the Sports Director, 他主要为Penobscot Bay Pilot的体育栏目工作, but also extensively covers the Midcoast’s educational scene and the election cycles.

At times, he can be found writing about commerce, the arts and the Midcoast’s movers and shakers. 

从中学生开始从事新闻工作开始, 乔治已经被美国各地的新闻机构出版. 

Outside his time as a journalist, 乔治在中学从事体育管理工作, high school and college teams and has served as a consultant for sports organizations. 他还担任少数几个组织的社交媒体协调员. 

乔治在佛罗里达大西洋大学获得学士学位, and has been recognized by the Maine Press Association for his work as a journalist. 

He can be followed on Twitter: @CoachGHarvey




Jenna Lookner grew up in Camden underfoot at The Waterfront Restaurant which was co-owned by her father until 2012. She began writing for the local newspaper as a contributor while she was in high school. Despite attending college in Boston, and living in Chicago and Portland, Maine for a time, Jenna never lost her passion for the Midcoast. 2008年,她回到卡姆登,继续她的写作生涯, communications, and public relations. She has a profound interest in the unique communities that comprise the Midcoast region, and is especially interested in farming, agriculture, 以及它们与大中部沿海地区经济的历史和未来关系. 詹娜喜欢讲述这个地区的故事, 并认识了无数的人物,他们共同使缅因州中部海岸如此独特. 

2012年,詹娜因环境报道获得缅因州新闻协会奖, 并为国家出版物提供照片和/或副本,包括 Air & Space Magazine, Aviation Digest, and Hemmings Motor News. 她是缅因州海岸动物救援组织的董事会成员, and serves on the Camden Select Board. 她的兴趣包括航空和汽车历史, working with animals, and exploring the vibrant state of Maine — both on foot and by road in her 1971 MGB. She lives in Camden with her husband, Ethan.


louis2_0.jpgLouis Bettcher 他在罗克波特长大,就读于波士顿的爱默生学院,并在那里获得了B.A. in creative writing.

在迈阿密做过艺术和娱乐记者之后, Florida, 他回到缅因州中部海岸,在家乡采访新闻, 他的文章曾获得缅因州出版协会颁发的奖项.











Roe Chiacchio is an RN, a certified personal trainer specializing in cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation and a certified dementia practitioner. In 1999, she started her business, ONWARD, Cardiovascular Health, Wellness and Dementia Management, located in Camden, Maine.

Her education is based in behavior science, psychology, neuroscience and gerontology. Her interest is working to enhance physical performance and mental health of individuals through her training sessions and articles. Her hobbies are photography and international travel.







As a true Maine “native,” Barbara F. Dyer 还在为PenBay Pilot写专栏吗.com. 卡姆登是她一生的家(将近95年).

“我很小的时候就觉得,没有比这更好的居住地了. I graduated from Camden High School in 1942 and went to work at Camden Shipbuilding & Marine Railways Co.当时第二次世界大战已经开始,他们正在为战争建造船只. 我的梦想不是在办公室工作,而是成为一名教师. 十大网赌网址在大萧条时期长大,没有女生奖学金, I was offered a job in an office and accepted because they were building vessels for the war effort.

"During the years, owners changed, the name of the company changed, bosses changed, but I remained. 44年来,大部分时间都是做办公室经理和会计.

“我的第二人生或第二职业是拯救卡姆登的历史. To accomplish this, I wrote 14 books, hundreds of articles for the newspaper, internet and a couple of magazines. Then at age 70 I taught Adult Education on Local History, Antiques and Public Speaking. Many talks I gave at local organizations, the Camden Public Library and schools on Local History. 还曾在遴选委员会和几个镇委员会任职.

“As it is never too late to get more education, I attended the University of Maine for two years. The students must have thought I was their professor or grandmother, but it was enjoyable. In my spare time, I worked as a member of the Camden Women's Club, volunteered at the Camden-Rockport Historical Society and The Camden Area History Center (now the Walsh History Center at the Camden Public Library).”



Bill Packard says: “suppose I’ve been here since the beginning.

“I was born in Camden, back when it had a hospital, 除了在海军服役过一段时间外,我一直十大网赌网址在这个地区. I think life is funny. Even the bad times. Once in a while I get serious, but rarely on here.

“一开始,我常说人们需要放松. Over time, I’ve learned that how other people feel is their business and none of mine. 另外,别人对我的看法与我无关.

“I hope that I bring a chuckle, or a tear, or a happy memory from time to time, and if I do, I’ll never know, but that’s why I write.”



retrodress_0.jpgKristen Lindquist grew up in the Camden area and has been writing a natural history column for local media since 2004. 她在俄勒冈大学获得诗歌艺术硕士学位.

她的诗歌和其他作品曾在 Down East, Maine Times, Bangor Metro, and Bangor Daily News, 以及各种文学期刊和选集.

Her poetry collections include Transportation, a finalist for a Maine Literary Award, and Tourists in the Known World. 除了教俳句讲习班和偶尔的自然历史课, she leads bird outings around the state for the Acadia Birding Festival and other organizations. An avid birder since childhood, she wrote the Knox County chapter for the recently published Birdwatching in Maine: A Site Guide.

Believing that the area's natural beauty and wildlife are one of its best resources, she worked many years for Coastal Mountains Land Trust and has also served on the boards of Merryspring Nature Center and Friends of Maine Coastal Islands NWR.






Eva%20at%20Dorman%27s%20cropped.jpgEva Murray has been a full-time and year-round resident of Matinicus Island since 1987 when she took the teaching job at the island’s one-room K-8 school.

她和丈夫于1989年结婚,在岛上抚养两个孩子. She is still a certified teacher as well as an EMT, wilderness responder and certified search volunteer, ham radio operator, private pilot, licensed truck driver, notary public, 训练有素的中转站操作员,还有其他一些工作, 这些都不是在Matinicus上有用的工作所必需的. 伊娃为缅因州的一些出版物写专栏, is the author of three books, and boisterously disputes the cherished myth that island life is a simpler existence—carefree and distant from “the real world.”