
Event has passed

    WALDOBORO — The Waldo Theatre Gallery, at 916 Main Street, 展出罗克兰艺术家玛乔丽·施特劳斯的作品名为《护身符, Faces and Other Creations". 深入到一个世界的彩绘陶瓷雕塑,限量系列铸件和绘画. 该展览将于5月3日至29日举行, with an Artist’s Reception on Sunday, May 5, from 4 to 6 p.m.

    我被缅因州崎岖的美景和人民的独立感所吸引, 施特劳斯在波士顿的麻省艺术学院完成绘画学士学位后来到缅因州. 她主要用粉彩和油画作画, 从海洋到风景,题材多样, trees, flowers and leaves. Even in her early  days, she found herself engrossed in portraiture, 最初,她的技能是在学校里发展起来的,有几个夏天她在科德角的人行道上画肖像. In recent years, 她的创造性探索有了一个立体的转折, inspired by the tactile nature of pastel. This evolution led her to clay, sculpting shapes, showing depth literally, versus implying it in two-dimensions. 雕塑也开辟了一种在唤起和表达意象领域的工作方式. 尽管这扩展到了新的艺术层面, portraiture still has a place, the urge to get a likeness, and a feeling of the person.


    在“Plantformations”种植机系列的开发中, 我找到了通往十大网赌网址所戴的众多面具的入口,” said Strauss, in a Waldo Theatre news release. “植物和植物意象的容器与面孔联系在一起. 玛雅面具和“绿人”图标是一种灵感. 这些三维作品有很强的存在感——一些面孔接近真人大小. 黏土似乎可以不那么直白地表达. Also, I appreciate the use of the vessel form; especially the planter, since they can be a home for living plants. 我觉得我给作品注入了一种护身符的感觉, 一幅充满希望和好运的作品.”


    该展览将于5月3日至29日举行, 所有的艺术品都将出售,其中一部分将有利于Waldo节目.

    这个沃尔多画廊展览的观看时间将包括预定戏剧活动之前的时间, 沃尔多伯勒第四个星期五(5月24日), and by appointment.

    For more information, visit www.thewaldotheatre.org

    Event Date: 

    Sun, 05/05/2024 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

    Event Location: 

    The Waldo Theatre Gallery


    916 Main Street
    Waldoboro, ME 04572
    United States