letter to the editor

What Rockland needs

Tue, 10/24/2023 - 9:00am

我今天写信是为了支持凯特琳·卡拉汉竞选罗克兰市议会. As someone who lives and works in Rockland, 很明显,需要像凯特琳这样的人来帮助支持这个社区.

我于2018年开始了我的社会服务职业生涯,并在罗克兰工作了整个时间. 通过这项工作,我遇到了许多了不起的人,他们和我一样热衷于为这个社区服务. 虽然十大网赌网址不是在同一个机构工作, Kaitlin’s name is one I soon became familiar with. 我很清楚卡蒂琳·卡拉汉有多在乎罗克兰. She participates in countless community meetings, attends community events, 并真正实现了她在竞选中分享的价值观.

Most recently, 我与凯特琳联系时,正在帮助建立一个紧急取暖避难所,为9月份的“风暴李”做准备. 我是在最后一刻加入志愿者名册的,只能帮忙很短的时间, compared to Kaitlin, a core organizer of this shelter, 几个月来,社区组织一直在制定这样的计划. As Kaitlin and I set up a medical supplies table, 十大网赌网址谈到了罗克兰和它所面临的挑战. Kaitlin did not use this as a chance to create a platform or campaign for a vote; she spoke candidly and from the heart about what is needed for the city of Rockland and its residents to survive and thrive.

That conversation, 加上我有幸目睹凯特琳多年来所做的工作,让我知道卡拉汉竞选市议会并不是一个利用流行语告诉人们他们想听的话的竞选活动. 凯特琳真心相信支持罗克兰,也知道如何采取行动. Every day I see the challenges our city faces. Both personally and professionally, I am witnessing the need for affordable housing, support for our youth and families, 以及一个致力于支持罗克兰所有居民的市议会.

For these reasons, 11月7日,我将自豪地投票给凯特琳·卡拉汉竞选罗克兰市议会议员. 我知道凯特琳准备采取行动,因为我目睹了她一次又一次地这样做. 有凯特琳·卡拉汉在十大网赌网址市议会,罗克兰会更美好, 我很高兴看到她的任命带来的好处.

Jesse Lucas lives in Rockland